Tools You Should Be Using To Track Your Business Reviews

How closely do you pay attention to your reviews? More importantly, how closely do your customers pay attention to your reviews?

If you’ve ever done any online shopping or research (who hasn’t?), you know how important reviews are to you when you’re making a buying decision. Your customers are no different.

Product review tracking is a key part of running your business. If you’re ignoring your reviews, you’re missing out on better serving your customers.

Let’s take a look at how to handle your reviews, and how it can help your business grow.

1. Always Give a Detailed Response to Negative Reviews

Negative reviews are inevitable. They’re no fun, but they’re part of doing business. How do you handle negative reviews when they happen? Do you ignore them? Do you delete them?

Instead, engage with negative reviewers and see what you can do to improve their experience. Not only might you earn their business back, but others will read your engagement and realize how much you value your customers.

2. Take Customer Suggestions Seriously

Product review tracking means taking what your customer has to say seriously. When a customer takes time to leave you a review, it’s because they’ve been impacted in some tangible way.

Don’t take that for granted.

Even if their suggestion is a minor change for your product or service, it could easily be an idea that could transform the way you do business.

When doing product review tracking, pay close attention to what your customers have to say. You’ll find a wealth of unexpected knowledge.

3. Thank Customers for Positive Reviews

Never take positive reviews for granted. Earning loyal customers isn’t easy. You’ve spent thousands of dollars and countless hours making and marketing a product that you hope buyers will love.

When positive reviews come in, engage with these buyers just as you would with negative reviews. Make them feel valued and important.

It’ll keep them coming back while showing your customer appreciation to everyone who reads your reviews.

4. Be Honest With Yourself

If you’re getting consistency in your reviews, whether good or bad, accept them. Even embrace them. In general, customers want to help you make the customer experience better.

It can be difficult to accept a string of negative reviews on a product that you’ve spent so much time on, but it’s good practice, to be honest with yourself about potential mistakes you’ve … Read the rest