Benjamin Franklin once said “…but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes”, and how true this statement is. Depending on your age and health status, you might have thought of preparing a last will and testament, but have you ever considered preparing your funeral arrangements in advance? It’s not generally something that we think of (or want to be thinking of), particularly when healthy and/or still quite young, but it can be a really good thing to pre-plan with markbshawmortuary.com. Let’s look at some of the reasons why.
Expecting the Unexpected
While death is a certainty of life, none of us truly knows when our time will arrive. It might seem like a morbid thing to be thinking about, but it’s true. Death can occur naturally or by a slow illness, but it can also happen in the blink of an eye and because of this, early preparation can give you peace-of-mind in knowing that your wishes will undoubtedly be carried out. Preparing your funeral in advance also allows you to be absolutely certain that your loved ones won’t be required to make difficult decisions whilst their hearts are already aching (especially in case your departure occurs suddenly).
Let Your Loved Ones Focus on Grieving
When those we love pass on into the next existence, the tremendous amount of pain we feel can be overwhelming. By preparing your funeral arrangements ahead of time with markbshawmortuary.com, you are promising your family and friends that when you die, they can focus themselves on carrying out your wishes and celebrating your life.
Prepaid Peace-of-Mind
Funerals are generally expensive and you likely don’t want your loved ones to be paying out of their pockets for these services, so it will be good news to know that with markbshawmortuary.com you can also pay for your funeral costs in advance. There are a variety of payment methods available, and after all costs have been covered, neither you or those you care about will owe a penny more. Costs are always rising so by paying in advance for your funeral services, you can be sure that your loved ones won’t have to stress about finances when the time does (eventually) come.
Nobody wants to think about death, but we should all prepare for it because it’s an inevitability which we cannot avoid. By pre-planning for your funeral services, you can spend your time … Read the rest