How Root Canal Therapy works

Root canal therapy is a procedure that involves removing the pulp from the tooth and then filling it with a substance called gutta-percha. This process is usually done when the nerve inside your tooth becomes exposed, which happens when dental decay occurs. Oral and maxillofacial surgery OKC is a dental specialty that deals with oral structural and functional defects. The focus of this specialty is fixing many problems relating to one or more parts of the human mouth, face, head, and neck.

Here’s what you need to know:

1. Root Canals are extremely common.

The most common reason for root canals is when a pulp in a tooth becomes exposed due to severe dental decay. This usually happens after the tooth has started to lose its vitality and no longer has the strength to retain a filling. A root canal is the only way to save this tooth.

2. Technically, roots can go in any direction.

The direction of the root canal’s progress depends on everything from where it starts and how much decay takes place during its development. Still, you’ll never notice that it went off-course. You might not even be able to tell that anything was ever wrong with the tooth that way.

3. The root canal procedure is highly invasive.

The dentist will first have to remove the damaged nerve and its accompanying blood supply and dig a hole in the tooth to access the pulp. Then, they’ll use an instrument called a burr to scrape away pulp material from within the tooth, so they can repair the nerve and fill it with gutta-percha. It’s a very complex procedure, which takes multiple visits to complete.

4. The results are pretty amazing.

Since they’re able to restore function to a tooth that would otherwise be completely dead, root canal therapy has earned its reputation as “the miracle cure.” The procedure can save teeth that might have been extracted, allowing people to continue enjoying a healthy, functional bite for the rest of their lives.

5. Root canals could be more fun.

Since the tooth is opened and exposed to air for days, root canal therapy usually leaves you in some severe discomfort. Some sufferers say the pain is comparable to what they experienced when they had a cavity. Still, root canal therapy is often worth considering how far your dental health could go downhill if you don’t get it done.

6. Root canals are usually successful—even though most people don’t know about them.

Root canals are one of the most common and successful dental procedures, yet most people have never heard of them. This is because root canal therapy is a highly complex procedure usually reserved for advanced cases. It’s also tricky to talk about, so you won’t hear it discussed as often as other dental topics.

In the end, root canal therapy is something you’ll never have to experience firsthand. Many people—especially those with extensive decay—find it worth it when they’re able to keep their teeth. If, however, you ever develop a severe dental cavity that affects your tooth’s pulp and you find yourself in pain and unable to chew, consider whether root canal therapy is a good option.